“The jack of all trades, Master of none, but most definitely better than one”.
ThE JACK OF ALL TRADES is a generalist rather than a specialist. They Are masters of integration: individuals who know enough from many learned trades and skills to be able to bring the disciplines together in a practical manner.
Hello, I'm Niranjan.
A resourceful, out of the box thinker with years of experience living on the bleeding edge of technology. With a formal training in Computer Science and well versed in several other disciplines, I am a finely tuned "tech" swiss army knife that will come in handy at all times.
Core Skills//
1. Detail Oriented
2. Software Development
3. Project Management
4. Product Designer
5. Design Thinking
6. Mixed Reality Enthusiast
7. Content Creation
8. Presentation Skills
Education & Certification//
9. Bachelors in Computer Science from American University of Sharjah
10. Certified Dell EMC Academic Associate in Cloud Infrastructure and Services
Key Takeaways:
Improved Development Ability in production environments,
Heightened Time Management due to multiple mission critical tasks handled at the same time,
Improved Inter-Team Communication,
Quick, Adaptable & Creative Approach Towards Problems.
Key Takeaways:
Was introduced to Design Thinking and applied it to multiple projects,
Increased Development Ability by creating a production ready mobile app,
Learned several Design Tools and their use cases.
Key Takeaways:
Increased skill in custom database management tools,
Increased Attention to Detail.
Key Takeaways:
Experience working in Agile Development Cycles,
Introduction into Automated Application Testing,
Ability to collect information from little to no sources.
Key Takeaways:
Increased Attention to Detail,
Increased knowledge in IT tools and